1st of December - Cookie Decorating Video

It is the 1st of December!  First Mince Pie of the season!!!!!!

We usually put up our Christmas Tree today, but as Jordan will not be home till the 9th of December, we will not be doing this just yet.  Instead I have decided to create a christmassy floral arrangement which i hope will fill our home with the smell of chrismas tree. 

I love this quiet time before the festivities.  A  time to reflect on the year that has been before we get wrapped up in the parties and get togethers that come with the holiday season.  I love sitting down to write chrismtas cards to plan gift lists. 

Home made gifts are a favourite of mine, giving and receiving.  I feel these are so much more meaningful as time and effort has been spent, both for me a rare commodity in these busy times.   As i bake, I think lots of postive happy thoughts for the people I am baking for.  I truly believe this is the magic ingredient to succesful baking. 

Last year I made and gifted tropical fruit cakes.  Rum fed and  filled with mango, papaya, pineapple and lime flavours, these were delicious and a little bit different.  I also enjoy baking and decorating gingerbread for us at home as well as for gifts, It is the smell of christmas and gets me right in the mood.  There is something about sitting round the dining table piping and decorating while chatting and listening to christmas music that makes me so very happy.

I have yet to plan my list this year, but i already have lots of ideas brewing!  I will definitely be making iced cookies though.  SImilar to the ones in the video below.  This video shows you how to  make royal icing and some very basic decorating skills..  Anyone can decorate cookies, just get creative and the main thing is have fun!  You will be amazed at the designs that appear not just from adults but the children.  And the fun that will be remembered is the most important part. 

Make some memories this christmas with you and your loved ones.

I will be doing some IGLive Sessions throughout December, so do tune in to learn some fun hacks to make our baking kits more christmassy.  But also to WIN some  fun prizes. There will be a daily giveaway for the Twelve Days before Chrismtas. 

First Sesh will be Friday 3rd Demceber at 9pm Singapore time.

Hope to see you there!!!




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